Fundraise for UNICEF USA

Just a few clicks and you could make a huge difference for some of the world’s most vulnerable children. Activate your network and raise money for UNICEF’s lifesaving, life-changing work.

Create an Online Fundraiser in a Few Easy Steps


Start with the Basics

Set your fundraising goal, add a picture, and complete the basic details.

Tell Your Story

Write a compelling message about your story about why you support UNICEF’s lifesaving work.

Share with Your Network

Download a QR code, post your fundraiser on social media, or share your unique link directly with your friends and family.

Need Some Help to Get Started? Read the FAQs

What is an online fundraiser or peer-to-peer fundraising?

Online fundraising at UNICEF USA, or peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraising, is a form of crowdfunding. Peer-to-peer fundraising allows UNICEF USA supporters to fundraise on behalf of UNICEF’s lifesaving work around the world. By creating their own fundraising pages, supporters are able to reach out to their networks in order to secure donations for a cause that’s important to them. This approach leverages the power of one’s network to collect donations from a large number of people to support specific campaigns or ongoing needs for children around the world.

How big of a goal should I set?

While setting up your fundraiser, you’ll be able to customize your fundraising goal. This can be any amount that you think is realistic and impactful – and remember, you can always edit this goal as you go along.

What should I say in my message?

If it's for your birthday, say it. If it's being dedicated for someone, say it. If it's just because you want to help, say it. You don't have to be Shakespeare. Just be yourself.

How do I get a link to my fundraiser?

As soon as you create your fundraiser, a pop-up will appear with the public-facing link for your fundraiser. This link is unique to your fundraiser. You will also receive an email with this link – share it with your network to donate directly to your fundraiser.

Can I get a QR code for my fundraiser?

To download a QR code that will link directly to your fundraiser, click on the “manage my fundraiser” button in the welcome email you will receive. Once in the donor portal, click on your fundraiser, scroll down to “share your fundraiser” and click “get your QR code.” Add this QR code to flyers and make your online fundraiser even more accessible.

How do I make edits to my fundraiser after I create it?

Click the “manage my fundraiser” button in the welcome email to access the donor portal and make edits to your fundraiser’s title, photo, message, fundraising goal, and more.

Can I fundraise as a team?

Yes, you can fundraise individually or as a team. If you would like to invite your friends to join you in fundraising for UNICEF’s work, you can send them a link to join your team. They will have their own login and unique fundraiser links, but all of the funds your team raises will go to the same fundraiser. You will even be able to see your teammates' progress at the bottom of your fundraiser portal!

How do I invite people to join my fundraiser team?

To invite people to join your team, just share the "invite new members " link in the welcome email you will receive after creating your fundraiser. New members to your team will also follow the same workflow to verify their email address and will be sent a confirmation email once they’ve successfully joined the team. You will receive an email notification for every member that joins your team.

Help! I’m halfway through, and I’m worried I won’t meet my goal.

Don’t be afraid to follow up! People who want to donate often need a reminder. Remind them why you’re fundraising, and let them know it’s meaningful to you. Your fundraiser is also more likely to get new donations when you share an update with supporters regarding the progress you’ve made towards your goal. Finally, consider sharing the fundraiser on an additional social network or via a new platform, such as email.

Are donations tax-deductible?

All gifts made to your fundraiser are tax deductible as per local regulations, as UNICEF USA is a tax-exempt organization. UNICEF USA will email each donor a donation receipt.


Over eight decades the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has built an unprecedented global support system for the world's children. UNICEF relentlessly works day in and day out to deliver the essentials that give every child an equitable chance in life: health care, safe water and sanitation, nutrition, education, emergency relief and more. UNICEF USA advances the global mission of UNICEF by rallying the American public to support the world's most vulnerable children. Together, we have saved and meaningfully improved more children's lives than any other humanitarian organization.