
Paul headshot

Paul lives in the greater Los Angeles area and has been working with UNICEF USA for the past two years on the National Youth Council and one year as a Youth Advocate. Throughout his advocacy journey, he has always kept the welfare of youth at the forefront of his advocacy. He believes that whenever discussions are held regarding the future of society it is not only equitable but essential for youth to have a seat at the discussion table. The world is made for the future therefore the future should have a say.  As he enters his final year of high school and community college he hopes to engage more acutely with local actors to advance the rights of children. He is excited to also be earning his AA in Political Science and General Communications. When he's not advocating for others or studying for a test he is either skateboarding down Venice Beach or cooking with his family. He is looking forward to a fruitful and successful term as a Youth Representative.