5th Birthday photos show commitment to ending preventable child deaths

If you've been following our Facebook and Twitter feeds, you've likely seen our community's incredible response to the “Every Child Deserves a 5th Birthday” campaign. The idea that we could put a stop to preventable child deaths has resonated with our followers online, and it's been wonderful seeing so many sharing #5thBDay posts and crafting their own. Perhaps most impressive of all has been the hundreds of 5th Birthday photographs you've submitted to the campaign site and to us. When you share your #5thBDay photograph, you're raising awareness among your friends, family and our entire community of the more than 7 million children who die of preventable causes each year—roughly 21,000 a day. Despite this startling reality, child mortality has been reduced by about 40% over the past 30 years, and we know that we can get that number to zero with your support.
If you've been following our Facebook and Twitter feeds, you've likely seen our community's incredible response to the “Every Child Deserves a 5th Birthday” campaign. The idea that we could put a stop to preventable child deaths has resonated with our followers online, and it's been wonderful seeing so many sharing #5thBDay posts and crafting their own. Perhaps most impressive of all has been the hundreds of 5th Birthday photographs you've submitted to the campaign site and to us.   When you share your #5thBDay photograph, you're raising awareness among your friends, family and our entire community of the more than 7 million children who die of preventable causes each year—roughly 21,000 a day. Despite this startling reality, child mortality has been reduced by about 40% over the past 30 years, and we know that we can get that number to zero with your support. [gallery order="DESC" columns="3"] Each photo we've posted has been accompanied by a wish for children around the world. Many have wished for these children to have a chance to reach their full potential, to be happy and healthy, and to have access to education. U.S. Fund staff, world leaders, and our many enthusiastic followers have all contributed to the album. "Every woman, whoever she is, wherever she lives, should be able to give birth without the fear she’s going to lose her baby or that her baby will lose her mother."Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State"I wish every child around the world will reach her 5th birthday healthy, happy, and with the belief that she has the power to change the world."Amanda M."I wish the children of the world lots of love, perfect health, and the ability and chance to pursue their dreams so they can make their mark in this world."Mulanga M."I wish that every child has a real childhood—to play, laugh, learn, hope, grow, love (and be loved) and to dream."Casey R. We've been thrilled with the response so far, but we're still not done. Next week, many global leaders will be presented with this album, letting them know that all of us believe they must follow through in their promise to end preventable child deaths. There is still time if you want your 5-year-old self to be seen and your voice to be heard. Once you've submitted a photo and wish to the 5th Birthday website, check back a little later and send us the link, either via a tweet to @unicefusa or a message on Facebook. Together, we can help make sure that children in need will have 5th birthday photos of their own someday.