Moheb, 11, lives in Aleppo, Syria where half his friends have left or died in the war. Chores, school and work, leave little time for studying but with dreams of a law degree and helping his country regain peace, he presses on

Children in Aleppo — Watch Moheb's Story

We first published Moheb's story six months ago. Since then, the situation for children in Aleppo has only deteriorated.


Meet Moheb. He's 11 and lives in Aleppo, Syria, where he misses friends who have died in the war and those who have fled. He misses life before the bombs and loud noises, "when we were in our homes ... nothing was better than that."


Today, Moheb's family of seven lives in one room. Between chores, school and jobs, he's always tired. But he wants to be a lawyer, so he studies after everyone is asleep — in the kind of peace and quiet he hopes he can help his country regain one day. "We have to be united, work together as one and never let each other go."



For five years now, the children of Syria have lived with raging conflict.


The violence has taken a toll. Of the 8.4 million children affected, some are displaced in their own homeland. Others live as refugees in neighboring countries. More than 15,000 have crossed Syria’s borders unaccompanied, separated from everything they knew, even their parents.  


“For the youngest Syrian children, this crisis is all they have ever known," says UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake. "For adolescents entering their formative years, violence and suffering have not only scarred their past; they are shaping their futures.”


Yet the children of Syria, like Moheb,  show remarkable resilience — and hope. Let's honor them and their stories.


See the rest of the video series:


Besan’s story


Maya’s story


Ammar’s story


Saja’s story



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