Many emergencies: UNICEF is there

UNICEF responds to more than 200 emergencies every year. But it is rare for so many of them to be prominently featured on the front page news at once.
UNICEF responds to more than 200 emergencies every year. But it is rare for so many of them to be prominently featured on the front page news at once.

Elizabeth Kiem is the online producer of

UNICEF responds to more than 200 emergencies every year. But it is rare for so many of them to be prominently featured on the front page news at once.

Today's headlines note the worsening crisis in Japan; the sudden turn of events in Libya; a surprise development in Haiti; and an escalation of concern about the situation in Ivory Coast.

UNICEF is acutely aware of the dangers each of these emergencies present to children.

As Haiti braces for potential unrest ahead of run-off elections, UNICEF is there to provide child-friendly spaces and protection teams.

In the Middle East, the fighting in Libya is at a pivotal point, and so UNICEF has delivered 47 tons of supply to the border with Tunisia in preparation for more families in flight. 3,600 tents are en route to house the displaced as well.

UNICEF is also on the ground in Japan - the Japan Committee for UNICEF is making preparations for the provision of supplies such as hygiene and recreation kits, and education materials like the 'school-in-a-box.'

Finally, in Ivory Coast, UNICEF is appealing for funds to help meet the needs of hundreds of thousands of children affected by violence that has torn the country apart since last November. In particular, UNICEF is providing emergency education alternatives for many of the 800,000 children whose studies have been interrupted.

Please read more about UNICEF's work in emergencies, and support us as we continue to provide relief for children in ALL emergencies ... those in and out of the spotlight.