Tune in to Larry King's Haiti show on Monday

As he did in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, CNN's Larry King reaches around the world, this time to help the people of Haiti.

Tomorrow night, King will host a special two-hour Larry King Live called HAITI: HOW YOU CAN HELP, bringing together celebrities and opinion leaders to inspire members of the global community to take immediate action in helping the people of Haiti affected by the devastating earthquake.

The special airs from 8 pm ET to 10 pm ET (US) on CNN. Campbell Brown will be reporting Haiti news over the course of the two-hour program and guests will join Larry King on the set and via satellite to generate support for UNICEF and the Red Cross.

We'll share more details about the guest list as they come in. Please spread the word and tune in Monday!

As he did in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, CNN's Larry King reaches around the world, this time to help the people of Haiti.

Tomorrow night, King will host a special two-hour Larry King Live called HAITI: HOW YOU CAN HELP, bringing together celebrities and opinion leaders to inspire members of the global community to take immediate action in helping the people of Haiti affected by the devastating earthquake.

The special airs from 8 pm ET to 10 pm ET (US) on CNN. Campbell Brown will be reporting Haiti news over the course of the two-hour program and guests will join Larry King on the set and via satellite to generate support for UNICEF and the Red Cross.

We'll share more details about the guest list as they come in. Please spread the word and tune in Monday!

As he did in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, CNN's Larry King reaches around the world, this time to help the people of Haiti.

Tomorrow night, King will host a special two-hour Larry King Live called HAITI: HOW YOU CAN HELP, bringing together celebrities and opinion leaders to inspire members of the global community to take immediate action in helping the people of Haiti affected by the devastating earthquake.

The special airs from 8 pm ET to 10 pm ET (US) on CNN. Campbell Brown will be reporting Haiti news over the course of the two-hour program and guests will join Larry King on the set and via satellite to generate support for UNICEF and the Red Cross.

We'll share more details about the guest list as they come in. Please spread the word and tune in Monday!