Typhoon Haiyan: A Filipino Community Finds Hope

Anna Butler, a U.S. Fund for UNICEF intern, participated in a forum and candlelight vigil on Nov. 13 in Woodside, N.Y., in honor of those affected by Typhoon Haiyan.

Woodside, a neighborhood in Queens, has a significant Filipino immigrant population, and Butler reports that she was moved by the strength and support of the community.

What was originally intended to be a small community meeting to discuss relief efforts for victims of Haiyan rapidly grew in numbers.  After about ten minutes, even standing room was hard to find.  The meeting attracted several news channels as well as local councilmen, all eager to show their support.  As the meeting commenced, community members spoke about their personal experiences thus far with Haiyan.  Looking at the ground with tears in their eyes, several shared that they have still been unable to reach family back home in the Philippines.

But quickly their heads lifted.  From there the conversation changed to “What can we do?” and “How do we help?”  Many people shared news of the events and projects that they are leading, each with a personal intention to help.

At about 7:30 p.m., we all moved outside for a candlelight vigil.  As we walked up the street, emotions were high amongst not only the Filipino community but all who were present.  Prayers were spoken, a beautiful Filipino song was sung, and people embraced each other.  It wasn’t sad, but instead rather moving.  The ceremony was powerful, and after the vigil was over I walked away inspired to have seen so many people come together to share their hope.