UNICEF in action

Displaying 451 - 459 of 2017
A 13-year-old girl in the Dassenech woreda (district) of southern Ethiopia forced to leave school and marry a stranger to help her family cope with the drought.

Drought Forcing More Girls into Child Marriage in the Horn of Africa

UNICEF underscores increased risks to adolescent girls in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia where families are desperate to survive.
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GoBlue for UNICEF for World Children's Day 2018

The Convention on the Rights of the Child: Still Critical 30+ Years On

The international treaty remains a powerful guiding force behind UNICEF's work.
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Group of Children with Arms Raised

Elementary Schoolers Take Action for Kids in Ukraine

UNICEF USA has seen a rise in the number of fundraisers and events organized by young supporters.
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On 25 May 2022, 10-month-old Marwo, who is malnourished, sits with her mother at UNICEF-supported Banadir Hospital in Mogadishu, Somalia.

UNICEF Calls on G7 to Help Tackle Global Child Malnutrition Crisis

Millions of children suffering from severe wasting require emergency treatment. UNICEF appeals for support to ramp up its response.
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School Girls Hugging on Playground

Ukrainian Refugee Children Start Over at a School in Romania

Teachers fleeing violence in Ukraine have set up a school in Romania for newly arriving Ukrainian students, with support from UNICEF.

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Halim, 8, from Gayan village, Paktika Province, Afghanistan, lost his home and many relatives in the devastating earthquake. He and his family have nowhere to shelter and are sleeping under plastic sheets.

Thousands of Children at Risk After Earthquake Devastates Afghanistan

As the death toll rises, UNICEF is rushing aid to those in need in the wake of a powerful earthquake in southeastern Afghanistan.
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People in a Canoe

1.6M Children Stranded by Flash Floods in Bangladesh

UNICEF is on the ground protecting children and delivering emergency supplies after catastrophic flash floods — the worst in 100 years.

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A Rohingya refugee sits with two friends from the local Bangladeshi community — beneficiaries of a UNICEF program building social cohesion..

For UNICEF, Helping Child Refugees Is a Global Mission

Ukraine’s refugee crisis is but one of many examples of how forced displacement is endangering the health, safety and future well-being of children.

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A father in Odisha, India, who receives early childhood care education with UNICEF's support engages with his young children.

In India, New Tools Engage Fathers in Early Child Development

A pandemic pivot by UNICEF and partners to provide guidance for creating a nurturing learning environment at home.
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