UNICEF in action

Displaying 631 - 639 of 2017
At a UNICEF-supported midwife training program in Dhamar City in southwestern Yemen, participants strengthen their skills and knowledge of preparation for childbirth, the resuscitation and care of newborns, the importance of handwashing and the basics of

Yemen's Community Midwives Protect the Lives of Newborns and Mothers

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Trick or Treat for UNICEF Group Photo

Clubs Go Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF

Check out how our UNICEF UNITE Clubs got involved with Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF this season!
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Social worker Le Thi Phien works with families in Cao Lanh, Vietnam to prevent violence against children.

Social Workers Protect Children From Violence in Vietnam

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Maryam holds her 9-month-old daughter, Anisa, who is being treated for severe acute malnutrition at UNICEF-supported Hamdan Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen on October 11, 2021.

VIDEO: 7 Things You Should Know About Yemen's 7 Years of Conflict

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Maryam holds her 9-month-old daughter, Anisa, who is being treated for severe acute malnutrition at UNICEF-supported Hamdan Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen on October 11, 2021.

7 Things You Should Know About Yemen's 7 Years of Conflict

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A young member of the UNICEF-supported Peace Club at Kibi Primary School, Lumfukwe village in Tanganyika province, Democratic Republic of Congo.

School Peace Clubs Help Kids Transcend Interethnic Conflict in DRC

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A boy in Bilwi, Nicaragua, sits on what remains of the family home in the wake of Hurricane Iota.

UNICEF, Climate Change and COP26: What's At Stake

As world leaders assemble in Glasgow, UNICEF will be there, pushing for action and greater youth involvement in climate solutions.
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Adolescent girls participate in a UNICEF-supported peer education activity in Jharkhand State, India.

UNICEF and SAP Partner to Power Opportunities for Young People

Investing in young people's education can create a more equitable and inclusive economy and society for all.
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Teacher in Sri Lanka

Innovating to Keep Kids Learning During the Pandemic in Sri Lanka

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