UNICEF in action

Displaying 982 - 990 of 2017
On July 22, 2020, Tropical Storm Gonzalo churns toward the Caribbean

Tropical Storm Gonzalo Bearing Down on Several Caribbean Islands

As the 2020 season's seventh named storm drenches the Caribbean, UNICEF readies emergency supplies to help communities hard hit by COVID-19.
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UNICEF’s unique partnership with soap maker Savonor to make soap more affordable for Burundian families parallels broader efforts to promote handwashing with soap as one of the most effective measures to prevent COVID-19.

VIDEO: Burundi Needs More Soap to Stay Safe. A New Partnership Aims to Help

Video: UNICEF works with partners in over 100 countries to improve water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities , and to teach children that handwashing can be the difference between life and death...
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UNICEF’s unique partnership with soap maker Savonor to make soap more affordable for Burundian families parallels broader efforts to promote handwashing with soap as one of the most effective measures to prevent COVID-19.

Burundi Needs More Soap to Stay Safe. A New Partnership Aims to Help

To fight COVID-19, UNICEF has joined forces with soap maker Savonor to make handwashing cheaper and easier for children and families.
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UNICEF Special Olympics Kenya

Sports Help Children With Disabilities Learn and Cope With COVID-19

During the COVID-19 school closures, regular exercise is more important than ever for all children, including those with disabilities.
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Child Putting Books into UNICEF Backpack

CEO Statement on School Reopenings

UNICEF USA shares the goal of children returning to school this fall, in a way that is safe for all students and teachers.
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A UNICEF-supported youth center in Jaramana, Damascus, Syria trains young people to sew facial masks to protect children and families from COVID-19.

Syrian Youth Make Masks to Protect Children and Families from COVID-19

Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria nine years ago, the UNICEF-supported youth center in Jaramana, rural Damascus has helped young people cope with years of violence and displacement and restore a sense of normalcy to their lives.

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On May 14, 2020, UNICEF-supported volunteer Osama goes door-to-door providing educational activities and COVID-19 prevention information for out-of-school children in northern rural Homs, Syria.

Bringing Joy and COVID Health Information to Children in Syria

In the war-ravaged village of Teir-Ma'aleh in rural northern Homs, children were barely recovering after years of conflict and displacement when a new challenge emerged. The global spread of COVID-19 forced them to stay home from school.

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Girl Holding Up Sign

Why Kids of All Races Need to Know How to Talk About Race and Racism

Dr. Sandra Chapman, founder of Chap Equity, on teaching kids how to talk about race & racism, feel the pain they cause & take action.
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