UNICEF in action

Displaying 1783 - 1791 of 2017
Star Wars 40th Banner UNICEF USA

Win Three Epic Star Wars Experiences and Support UNICEF!

Star Wars: Force for Change announces exclusive Star Wars Experiences to help children around the world
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Syria, Gas Attack

Horror Upon Horror: Gas Attacks Are Killing Syria's Children

The brutal Syrian war continues to target the youngest and most vulnerable.
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Group of Children Smiling

How UNICEF Helped Save Millions of Children's Lives Last Year

Impact and innovation take the lead in UNICEF USA's Annual Report 2016 — from stopping tetanus to speeding up medical testing with drones.
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Child Getting Wristband

Yemen's War Leaves 10 Million Young Lives Falling Through the Cracks

UNICEF issues an urgent appeal: stop this war, scale-up humanitarian aid.
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Children Talking Over a Table

Orange County Girl Scout Raises Awareness about Human Trafficking

Madhulika's Story: Using her Girl Scout's Gold Award project to raise awareness about human trafficking.
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Girl in a Head Wrap

In Niger, Children Traumatized by Boko Haram Find Normalcy

Through UNICEF-supported programs, children like Fanta can try to reclaim lost childhoods.
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Mustafa Follow Up Story

Mustafa, a Syrian Teenager, Finds a New Home and a New Life

HELP SYRIAN CHILD REFUGEES FINDING HOPE Mustafa is a Syrian child refugee living in Germany. Unfortunately, many of his family members have been forced by Syria's brutal civil war to flee to other...

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More than two years of conflict in Yemen have left 18.8 million people - some 70 per cent of the population - in need of UNICEF humanitarian assistance.

What Do Water and War Have to Do With Each Other? Tragically, a Lot

When the threats of conflict and water insecurity coincide, children's odds of survival plummet.
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L'Oréal Luxe USA Group President Carol Hamilton On Working With UNICEF

Where UNICEF USA and L'Oréal Luxe USA - Giorgio Armani Fragrances connect, exciting things are happening — helping children across the globe
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