UNICEF in action

Displaying 1792 - 1800 of 2017
Verenaisi Lakosi from Lawaki village in Tailevu Province, holds a water purification tablet that she uses to make tap water safe and sanitary to drink.

How the UNICEF Tap Project Brought Safe Water to Over 500,000 People

Learn about how the UNICEF Tap Project helped to save children in need all over the world by providing them access to clean water and adequate sanitation.
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Water Crisis

Sarah Kauss, Founder & CEO of S'well, Talks About the Water Crisis

S’well, a reusable bottle company, has been helping UNICEF bring clean water to the world’s most vulnerable communities since 2015. Founder and CEO Sarah Kauss has helped S'well earn the status as a...
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UNICEF Worker High Fiving Children

On the Road in Uganda—This Is the World's Fastest-Growing Refugee Camp

Waves of refugees from South Sudan have poured into Uganda to escape escalating violence and famine . UNICEF USA's Justin Hemenway traveled with UNICEF Uganda for an up close and personal view of...

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Basketball players supporting the Play for Syria fundraiser aim to raise money for UNICEF's work in support of Syrian children.

As March Madness Unfolds — One Basketball Team Plays for Syrian Kids

PLAY FOR SYRIA "Let's have the sport of basketball be the flag and bring attention to the cause." — Marcelo Correa As March Madness unfolds with a national championship on the line, more than a dozen...

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Saja, 12 years old, has been displaced in Aleppo, Syria for three years.

How Syria's Children Endure — Saja Tells Her Story

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Narges Asad and the team at Bina Technologies

She Rallied 2,500 Facebook Friends to Help Syrian Children Under Siege

This Silicon Valley entrepreneur used social media to raise over $100,000 and show how each of us can make a difference.
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Swearing in Sen. Cortez-Masto (D-NV)

Getting to Know Nevada’s New Senator

First Congressional Action Team Meeting at Sen. Cortez-Masto's Office
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UNICEF USA on the Proposed Separation of Families at the Border

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UNICEF Group Photo

Rutgers University Student Takes Action to End Trafficking

Sarah Lin, a student at Rutger's University, collaborated with others across her campus to host an awareness week.
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