UNICEF in action

Displaying 1414 - 1422 of 2017
Students from Liberty Elementary with their teacher, Andrea Brogan, celebrating another successful Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF fundraising effort.

Thank You, Volunteers!

This International Volunteer Day, UNICEF USA salutes all who volunteer their time and talents to supporting UNICEF's mission to save and protect vulnerable children around the world.

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Johnson Johnson Check Donation

UNICEF and Johnson & Johnson: Teaming Up to Help Mothers and Children

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UNICEF, Uganda, infant mortality, immunization

Delivering Health Care on the Front Lines

UNICEF and Johnson & Johnson's 30-year partnership has helped hundreds of thousands of women and children worldwide.
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The Power of Faith Uniting to Help All Children

Faith-based partners play a significant role, globally and nationally, in making a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable children
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Unicef, Nadia Murad, sexual violence against women, "On Her Shoulders"

Nadia Murad Is Speaking Up for Victims of Sexual War Crimes

Captured and tortured by ISIS fighters at 19, Nadia Murad is giving a voice to the girls and women who share her story.
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UNICEF USA Northwest Regional Board Chair Marimo Berk assisted students in the Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan with an art project.

Her Family Inspired Her Mission, UNICEF Helped Her Reach Millions

UNICEF USA Northwest Regional Board Chair Marimo Berk makes a global difference for children with disablities
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