UNICEF in action

Displaying 622 - 630 of 2017
Malian girls attend UNICEF-supported after-school activities in the Mberra refugee camp in Mauritania.

Childhood in the 21st Century: Insights from a UNICEF/Gallup Poll

Young people are optimistic about the future yet far from complacent. These and other findings of a multigenerational, international survey.
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A child in Jonglei State, South Sudan, where lives have been upended by flooding and other effects of climate change and UNICEF is on the ground helping communities cope.

COP26 Update: UNICEF Rallies Businesses Behind Climate Action

A look at UNICEF's 10-point plan for leveraging the power of the private sector behind climate action.
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Women and Children with UNICEF Boxes

UNICEF Is Working to Keep Syria's Children Safe and Warm This Winter

Ten years of conflict, displacement and rising poverty have had a devastating effect on already vulnerable children in Syria. For families who have lost almost everything, plunging temperatures bring a dangerous new threat to health and safety.

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After losing his legs in a landmine explosion, Ibrahim, 17, received artificial limbs and learned to walk again at a UNICEF-supported prosthetic center in Aden, Yemen.

VIDEO: Injured by a Land Mine, 17-Year-Old Ibrahim Can Walk Again in Yemen

Video of a boy who was fitted with artificial legs and received other rehabilitation services at a UNICEF-supported prosthetic center in Aden.

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After losing his legs in a landmine explosion, Ibrahim, 17, received artificial limbs and learned to walk again at a UNICEF-supported prosthetic center in Aden, Yemen.

Injured by a Land Mine, 17-Year-Old Ibrahim Can Walk Again in Yemen

The story of a boy who was fitted with artificial legs and received other rehabilitation services at a UNICEF-supported prosthetic center in Aden.

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Since 21 February 2020, when the first case of COVIR-19 was confirmed in the country, UNICEF has procured and delivered medical supplies to 194 Primary Health Care Centres.

Supporting Health Workers Aids Mothers and Pregnant Women in Beirut

The 2020 explosion, which destroyed Beirut’s port area, plunged families already struggling amidst economic collapse and COVID-19 into deeper crisis

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In 2021, 2-year-old Aseel's mother and uncle brought him to the UNICEF-supported therapeutic feeding center at Al-Sabeen Hospital in Sana'a City, Yemen for treatment.

A Lifeline for Aseel, a Severely Malnourished 2-Year-Old in Yemen

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Violent conflict in northern Ethiopia has displaced more than 2 million people, including Asya, 11, Temesgen, 11, and Meseret, 16.

Affected by Conflict in Northern Ethiopia: 3 Children's Stories

In the year since conflict broke out in northern Ethiopia's Tigray region, the violence has spread to neighboring Afar and Amhara, displacing more than 2 million people from their homes.

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n Uganda on October 19, 2021, Mary Namirembe, a nurse at Masaka Regional Referral Hospital, fills a syringe with COVID-19 vaccine.

A New Hurdle in the Race to Vaccinate the World: a Syringe Shortage

A looming lack of syringes threatens to make it harder for COVAX to get COVID-19 vaccines into arms in 2022. UNICEF proposes a solution.
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