UNICEF in action

Displaying 1171 - 1179 of 2017
In January 2019, Aneesa, 5, shows the ink mark on her little finger that confirms she has received her polio vaccine from a UNICEF-supported vaccinator in the Bhatti gate area of Lahore Punjab Province, Pakistan.

Polio Vaccinators Build Trust to Protect Children in Pakistan

Nearly one-third of Pakistan's children between the ages of 12 and 23 months miss out on basic vaccines they need to stay alive and healthy. But health workers persevere, because they believe in the importance of their mission.

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In October 2019, families fleeing escalating violence in northeast Syria continue to arrive in Tal Tamer, carrying only the bare essentials.

Families Continue to Flee Violence in Northeast Syria

UNICEF and partners are providing assistance to displaced children and families in northeast Syria. You can help. PLEASE DONATE Families running from escalating conflict in northeast Syria continue to...

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A child from Yemen's Al-Meshqafah camp takes a break while carrying heavy jugs of drinking water from the supply tanks to the camp in February 2019.

Poverty Eradication Begins With Children

Poverty is a fundamental denial of the human rights of children. Here's how UNICEF is helping every child reach her full potential.
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Children celebrate Halloween with Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF
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On September 27, 2019, a boy has his mid-upper arm circumference measured by a health worker at a UNICEF-supported community outreach medical center near the village of Mecufi in northern Mozambique.

The Battle to End Undernutrition, Obesity and Hidden Hunger

Despite progress, 1 in 3 children under age 5 is malnourished. Here's how UNICEF is taking on a broken food system to help children thrive.
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Alimatou Goïta, 2, benefits from home fortification food supplements with micronutrient powders through a UNICEF-supported program in Mali.

To Improve Kids' Nutrition, a Little Sprinkle Goes a Long Way

Fighting hidden hunger: the role of micronutrient powders in UNICEF's global strategy against malnutrition.
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Akosusu Siska kisses her one day old baby, Reagen, in the UNICEF-supported Jules Chevalier clinic in Mbandaka, Équateur Province, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

The Democratic Republic of the Congo Eliminates MNT

Babies in the DRC are no longer at risk of contracting tetanus, thanks to immunization and education campaigns by UNICEF and partners.
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A Syrian girl cries upon her arrival in Hassakeh city after fleeing Turkish bombardment on Syria's northeastern towns along the Turkish border on October 10, 2019.

UNICEF Urges All Parties to Protect Children in Syria

As violence escalates in northeastern Syria, many children are at imminent risk of injury, death and displacement.
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child smiling holding a book

International Day of the Girl

This International Day of the Girl, let's make sure we keep girls in school!
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