UNICEF in action

Displaying 1729 - 1737 of 2017
Child Holding Container

Remote Volunteer Consulting: Nicaragua

NextGen Remote Volunteer Consulting Opportunity in 2015 Ashley Lucchese has been serving the UNICEF Nicaragua Country Office for the past year as a Remote Consultant, focusing on Advocacy and...
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Water Walk Group Photo

Children Get Active with UNICEF USA in a Water Walk

Throughout this summer, UNICEF USA Community Engagement Fellow, Chandni Jain, and Intern, Ciara Stewart, have led a Water Walk at a camp in San Francisco. The goals of the Water Walk are to teach camp...

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Ensuring All Children Thrive: A Global Challenge

UNICEF USA Sheds Light on the Importance of ECD

Highlighting Early Childhood Development on Capitol Hill
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President & CEO of UNICEF USA, Caryl M. Stern visits children in Guatemala being helped by UNICEF

UNICEF USA Marks a Milestone in Securing Federal Funding for UNICEF

"The lion’s share of the credit for this interim, bipartisan victory belongs to our supporters."
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On July 12, 2017 at the Alsonainah Health Center in Sana'a, Yemen, children with acute watery diarrhea/suspected cholera are treated with oral rehydration solution.

Cholera Crisis in Yemen: UNICEF's Race to Save Children

Cholera is preventable and treatable — yet 7,000 new cases are being reported in Yemen every day. Many children may die.
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Two Women Playing with Baby

Fighting Famine: UNICEF Heroes in Action

As famine looms over much of Africa and the Middle East, UNICEF's trained specialists are working to save the lives of millions of children.
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Two young children drinking safe water in the village of Kotouba, in northwest Côte d'Ivoire.

Clean Water: A Right, Not A Privilege

There is enough clean water on the planet for everyone. Yet every day, millions of children go without. Some three in ten people — 2.1 billion — have no safe drinking water at home, according to a new...

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Ethiopia mother and baby

Ethiopia Scores Huge Health Win for Mothers and Babies

With UNICEF's help, Ethiopia becomes the 42nd nation to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus, a cruel, centuries-old disease, since 2000.
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South Sudan famine

UNICEF Responds to Famine Crisis

Widespread famine in 13 countries leaves millions of children at risk of imminent death
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