UNICEF in action

Displaying 109 - 117 of 2017
Delphin of Kampyempye village, Tanganyika province, eastern DRC, is back at school and studying hard after having been displaced by conflict.

Where Humanitarian Aid and Peace Building Intersect: UNICEF in Eastern DRC

In Tanganyika province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, groups who were in conflict are learning to live side by side, with UNICEF's help. [VIDEO]

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A photographer chronicles UNICEF's work to treat babies suffering from malnutrition in Yemen.

How UNICEF Fights Malnutrition in Yemen

Photographer Ala'a Noman chronicles the lives of severely malnourished children receiving treatment in Yemen. [VIDEO]

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On March 19, 2024, following the recent escalation of violence in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, pedestrians and a UNICEF-marked vehicle travel on a road impacted by the conflict.

UNICEF Aid Is Reaching Gaza — But Full, Safe Access Is Urgently Needed

The situation in the Gaza Strip is bad and getting worse. UNICEF is calling for unimpeded access to deliver more supplies for children. [VIDEO]

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Mohammad, 11, and Reham, 9, stand at a food distribution center in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.

More Than 13,000 Children Reported Dead in Gaza as Famine Nears

A new report warns famine is imminent as 1.1 million people — half the population — experience catastrophic levels of food insecurity. [VIDEO]

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Married at 12, Yousra, 16, holds one of her two daughters in Taizz, Yemen.

Helping Out-of-School Children Learn in Yemen

UNICEF catch-up classes help children like 16-year-old Yousra — married at 12 and a mother at 13 — fulfill their dream of getting an education.

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Sara, 5, and Waed, 12, with their mother Bushra outside a UNICEF-supported child protection center in Maysalun neighbourhood, Aleppo city, Syria, on Feb. 8, 2024.

UNICEF Won't Stop Helping Children in Syria

March 15, 2024, marks 13 years of unrelenting conflict and crisis in Syria. UNICEF is there, delivering critical support, but more funding is needed.

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Students attend a UNICEF-supported program in Cambodia.

Life Skills Programs Encourage Youth Engagement in Cambodia

UNICEF Cambodia's popular peer-led programs encourage young people to get involved in the issues that matter most to them. [VIDEO]

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- [ ] A 14-year-old student practices her coding skills at her junior high school in East Jakarta, Indonesia.

Shape the Future by Changing the Present for 600 Million Girls

UNICEF and partners are collaborating to transform the future of every girl.

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Child marriage is a human rights violation.

The Fight to End Child Marriage in California

UNICEF USA and partners like Unchained at Last are working together to outlaw marriage before age 18 — no exceptions — in all 50 U.S. states.

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