UNICEF in action

Displaying 505 - 513 of 2017
A child benefiting from UNICEF's support for routine health services in Jordan.

UNICEF in the Middle East and North Africa

A look at pressing needs and UNICEF's response in a region wracked by prolonged conflicts, natural disasters and pandemic impacts.
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Child in front of a Burnt Down Building

Nova Ukraine Is Making a Difference for the Children of Ukraine

The Ukrainian diaspora organization plans to raise $2 million to support UNICEF’s lifesaving work in Ukraine and neighboring countries.
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several images of UNICEF Uniters

Celebrating some of UNICEF USA's Most Passionate UNITERs

Ten inspiring UNICEF UNITERs share how they're taking action to support the world's children.

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To protect fragile newborns from bombardment in Lviv, UNICEF transformed a hospital basement into a fully operational NICU.

Inside an Underground Newborn Intensive Care Unit in War-Torn Ukraine

To protect fragile newborns from bombardment in Lviv, UNICEF helped transform a hospital basement into a fully operational NICU. [VIDEO]

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Margaret Gwada of UNICEF Ghana assists a mother who has just received a birth certificate for her child at the Births and Deaths Registry in Tamale.

UNICEF: Pandemic Year 3 Represents a ‘Crucial Moment’

What needs to happen next to safeguard the health and future well-being of the world's children.

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Folk musicians in Rajasthan, India, sing a traditional song rewritten to convey key messages about defeating COVID-19 with the vaccine.

In India, Traditional Tunes Bind Communities Against COVID-19

How folk musicians helped boost vaccination rates in Rajasthan. [VIDEO]

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In San Julián, Sonsonate, El Salvador, a mother brings her baby to the pediatrician for a routine checkup arranged through Care for Child Development (CCD), a program implemented by UNICEF in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Strengthening Health Systems to Prevent the Next Global Health Crisis

UNICEF and partners reflect on the many lessons from COVID-19 in this Q&A.
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Davyd, 7, sits with his mother and uncle at a temporary shelter in a Kyiv church in March 2022.

A Child's Eye View of War in Bucha, Ukraine

Seven-year-old Davyd recalls the terrifying events of the bombardment of Bucha and his family's evacuation. [VIDEO]

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Dr Iryna Kondratova tends to a newborn in a patient care room

Hero Health Workers Care for Babies Born Under Siege in Ukraine

As the war rages on, babies keep being born. UNICEF is supporting the doctors & nurses who are giving their all to keep them alive. [VIDEO]

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