UNICEF in action

Displaying 199 - 207 of 2017
Fourteen-year-old Osama lives in Alta City, Rural Damascus, Syria.

Learning to Hope and Dream Again in Syria

Mental health and psychosocial support helped Osama, a 14-year-old amputee in southern Syria, regain his inner strength after a terrible accident.

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A prototype high-performance tent sheltered Rashid, 12, during field testing in the Philippines in 2019. Rashid was displaced from his home by typhoons.

The Case for Supporting UNICEF

How you can help ensure continued support for UNICEF's work from the U.S. Government through a voluntary contribution to UNICEF's core resources.

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On Oct.10, 2023, 10-year-old Zari holds her brother Marv, 8 months old, in front of their house, which collapsed during an earthquake that hit Zindajan district, Herat Province, Afghanistan on Oct. 7.

Emergency Response for Children After Afghanistan Earthquakes

UNICEF and partners are reaching children with urgently needed assistance following a series of deadly quakes and aftershocks in western Afghanistan.

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Emilia, 6, stands in a UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) school being used as a shelter in Gaza City.

Children in Conflict: Urgent Help Needed

No child should have to grow up surrounded by violence. UNICEF is calling for an immediate end to the hostilities in Israel and Gaza.

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A student stands in the ruins of one of his former classrooms at the Aal Okab school in Saada, Saada Governorate, Yemen.

Over 300,000 Grave Violations Against Children in Conflict since 2005

Children continue to bear the brunt of war. UNICEF is committed to protecting them.
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In October 2023, UNICEF staff Benoit Sicard sits with 14-year old Juliette in a classroom in Kaya, Centre Nord region, Burkina Faso.

Investing in Girls and Their Futures

Investing in girls is not only the right thing to do for girls, it will also have positive impacts on their families, communities and societies.

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Three-year-old Lana looks out the window of her family's home in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

How to Talk to Your Children About Conflict and War

Children always look to their parents and caregivers for a sense of safety and security — even more so in times of crisis.
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Afghan children rest under a blanket beside damaged houses after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan district of Herat province on Oct. 7, 2023.

Powerful Earthquake Hits Western Afghanistan

UNICEF and partners are providing emergency aid to children and families after a magnitude 6.3 quake in Herat, Badghis and Farah provinces.

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In Bilwi, Nicaragua, a young boy holds a plastic chair over his head to shield himself from pelting rain while standing in the spot where his house used to stand until it was destroyed by Hurricane Iota.

43M Children Displaced By Floods, Storms, Droughts, Wildfires Since 2016

A new report shows the extent to which children globally have been uprooted by extreme weather linked to climate change, often at their peril.

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