UNICEF in action

Displaying 1747 - 1755 of 2017
Child Laying Down with Blanket

After the Hurricane: How UNICEF Worked to Stop Cholera in Haiti

UNICEF and its partners fought to stop the spread of a life-threatening disease in the aftermath of a disaster.
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Child Being Fed

Famine Threatens 2.5 Million Children in Africa and the Middle East

Time is running out for the world to save children from deadly hunger caused by brutal war, displacement and drought.
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Refugees from South Sudan arriving at Bidi Bidi camp in Uganda.

South Sudan's Child Refugees: Portraits from the Crisis in Uganda

Home to over 270,000 refugees from South Sudan's brutal civil war, northern Uganda's Bidi Bidi settlement has become the world's largest refugee camp, the epicenter of a growing humanitarian crisis...

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A father kisses his baby boy inside a train filled with refugees from Syria and Iraq travelling across Macedonia to the Serbian border, where they will continue their journey.

Super Dads Around the World

For Father's Day, UNICEF USA salutes caring dads and the children they love.
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Polio vaccinator Aisha Bulama and her team were part of a massive immunization campaign in Borno State, Nigeria in October, 2016.

6 Ways the Fight Against Polio Is Transforming Global Health

Innovative methods and a disease-fighting infrastructure developed to end polio are creating lasting impact in other areas of public health.
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Children in Eastern Mosul, Iraq.

Water — The Key to Life as It Flows Back Into Eastern Mosul

Iraq Report: As fighting escalates, UNICEF emergency water is essential for families and children in liberated sections of war-torn Mosul.
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Semhar Araia (far right) meets with Sen. Todd Young (R-IN) (middle) to underscore the importance of diasporas

UNICEF USA Underscores the Importance of Diasporas on the Hill

UNICEF USA's Semhar Araia speaks at a U.S. Senate subcommittee hearing about the crucial role that diasporas play in philanthropic giving
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Person and Animals Walking in Desert

How a Changing Climate Hurts Children and Contributes to Famine

Famine and food crises are threatening the lives of millions of children. The effects of climate change are playing a significant role.
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University of Maryland Philanthropy Class gives grant to UNICEF

UNICEF Wins $10,000 Grant from University of Maryland Students

Students in Professor Alex Counts’ popularly titled “Global Philanthropy Course” select UNICEF as winner of grant competition
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