UNICEF in action

Displaying 118 - 126 of 2032
Marybel Montoya Alvarez, selected as part of UNICEF Innovation30 initiative, working in her lab on her fungi-based answer to industrial pollution.

UNICEF Backs Young Innovators to Accelerate Climate Action

Introducing Innovation30, a new UNICEF initiative leveraging private investment capital to accelerate climate solutions.

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A UNICEF Staff member talks with children in Bongor, Chad.

Congress Passes Annual Funding for UNICEF: What Else Comes Next?

As global needs continue to outpace available resources, Congressional support for UNICEF's work for children is more important than ever.

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Patron, a bomb-sniffing dog, visited a classroom where students learned about the hazards of landmines and unexploded ordnance in Ukraine.

Landmine Safety Programs Protect Ukraine's Children

Lifesaving UNICEF-supported programs teach children in Ukraine about the risks of landmines and how to protect themselves. [VIDEO]

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A mother holds her smiling daughter as she receives Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) from a UNICEF-supported health worker in Ethiopia.

Milestone Number of Children Treated in Global Fight Against Malnutrition

The UNICEF USA Bridge Fund's innovative financing solutions enable UNICEF to scale up global response to the malnutrition crisis.

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Abducted by three men who planned to force her into child marriage, Zemzem, 13, was rescued with help from a UNICEF youth group in southern Ethiopia.

Fighting Child Marriage in Ethiopia

After Zemzem, 13, was abducted in southern Ethiopia, members of a UNICEF youth group helped rescue her from being forced into early marriage. [VIDEO]

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Eleven-year old Nyanyiik rests her hands on the stomach of Sundoay John - who is 9 months pregnant with her second child - outside the UNICEF-supported maternity ward at Malakal Teaching Hospital, South Sudan.

UNICEF Launches Multi-Country Push to Improve Maternal Nutrition

A plan to reach 16 million women and girls in 16 countries by the end of 2025 with a package of essential services.

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Delphin of Kampyempye village, Tanganyika province, eastern DRC, is back at school and studying hard after having been displaced by conflict.

Where Humanitarian Aid and Peace Building Intersect: UNICEF in Eastern DRC

In Tanganyika province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, groups who were in conflict are learning to live side by side, with UNICEF's help. [VIDEO]

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A photographer chronicles UNICEF's work to treat babies suffering from malnutrition in Yemen.

How UNICEF Fights Malnutrition in Yemen

Photographer Ala'a Noman chronicles the lives of severely malnourished children receiving treatment in Yemen. [VIDEO]

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On March 19, 2024, following the recent escalation of violence in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, pedestrians and a UNICEF-marked vehicle travel on a road impacted by the conflict.

UNICEF Aid Is Reaching Gaza — But Full, Safe Access Is Urgently Needed

The situation in the Gaza Strip is bad and getting worse. UNICEF is calling for unimpeded access to deliver more supplies for children. [VIDEO]

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