UNICEF in action

Displaying 1594 - 1602 of 2017

Piedmont Hills Shares their Secrets to Success

Piedmont Hills UNICEF Club shares the ins and outs to hosting a large scale fundraising event!
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The Late Rep. Mickey Leland (D-TX)

Bringing Hope: The Legacy of Mickey Leland

Mickey Leland was a wonderful ambassador for the United States to the world’s most vulnerable people.
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An infant sleeps in the neonatal intensive care unit at Assosa General Hospital in Benishangul-Gumuz, Ethiopia.

Every Child Deserves to Survive

Every year, 2.6 million newborns around the world do not survive their first month of life. One million of them take their first and last breaths the day they are born.

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Child Writing on Blackboard

One World, Many Languages

ALEX AND ANI and UNICEF celebrate International Mother Language Day, and their partnership to improve multilingual education in South Asia.
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Saima, 12, plays with other girls her age at a UNICEF-supported Child-Friendly Space in Nangarhar province, eastern Afghanistan.

The Right to Play

UNICEF is creating safe spaces for children whose lives have been disrupted by conflict in Afghanistan.
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Denee, 28, picks up her 19-month-old son, Justice, from the daycare center where he stays while she teaches preschool on Nevis Island, St. Kitts and Nevis.

Never Underestimate the Power of Love

In the first 1,000 days of life , neurons in a child's brain form new connections at the astonishing rate of 700 - 1,000 per second, a pace never repeated again. Children who spend those early years...

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Syrian refugee child in Lebanon holds his mother's new LOUISE common card, which will allow the family to access all the cash-based aid programs for which they are eligible.

Cash Transfers: A Safety Net for Refugee Families in Crisis

The multipurpose cash assistance program aims to assist the most socioeconomically vulnerable households in meeting their basic needs by allowing households to determine their own needs and purchases.

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