UNICEF in action

Displaying 1450 - 1458 of 2017
Unicef, Next Gen, Next Generation, Central American migrants

UNICEF Next Generation: Stepping Up to Protect the World's Children

NextGen's young leaders leverage their skills, energy, influence and financial resources to save children's lives around the world.
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A Speakers Series Luncheon with Sonia Nazario

A conversation on the journey of a migrant child.

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Two People Hugging

Migrant Children Caught in a Cycle of Hardship and Danger

No child should have to face crushing poverty and constant threats of violence. Please join us by contacting your federal legislators to urge them to support the bipartisan United States-Northern...

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unicef, central american migrants, violence, central america, matthew k. firpo, immigration, children on the move

"Shelter": Human Stories in the Face of Structural Violence

What would it take to leave your home behind? Central Americans heading North in search of safety share their stories in a new documentary.
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unicef, unicef usa, Central American migrants, violence in Central America

Growing Up Surrounded by Violence in Central America

El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras consistently rank among the most violent countries in the world. Drug trafficking, gang warfare and rampant crime have created an unthinkably dangerous climate that drives hundreds of thousands to flee.

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unicef, unicef usa, immigration, undocumented immigrants, immigrant children, migrant children, immigration reform, immigration policy

Inside Migrant Shelters at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Coyotes offer a package deal: three attempts to be smuggled over the border into the U.S. for one flat rate. Their Central American and Mexican clients pay because they have run out of choices. Their hometowns are controlled by violent gangs.

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unicef, central american migrants, family detention, family separation, flores settlement

Why the Flores Settlement Matters

Family separation and detention are bad for children. Please join UNICEF in speaking out to protect refugee and migrant children.
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People on a Football Field

Movie Night with Mayo High School

We're kicking off the new school year at Mayo High School's Movie Night Fundraiser!!
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unicef, unicef usa, immigration, undocumented immigrants, immigrant children, migrant children, immigration reform, immigration policy

Why Migrants Flee Central America

Pervasive violence and poverty drive Central Americans to seek safety elsewhere. UNICEF is working to improve conditions at home.
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