UNICEF in action

Displaying 856 - 864 of 2017
In September 2019 in the Bahamas, children who have been evacuated in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian participate in activities organized by UNICEF's partner organization, IsraAid, in Nassau.

New Government, New Possibilities

UNICEF USA supporters come together to kick off advocacy in 2021.
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As part of UNICEF's response after back-to-back hurricanes Eta and Iota, UNICEF's Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Jean Gough, colors with children during an activity at a school in Campur Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.

Matching Gifts Make the Most of Your Donation

Employee matching gifts increase the power of your donation — & add to UNICEF unrestricted funds, which keep essential programs running.
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Nurel, 7, a primary school student, eats a healthy lunch prepared by a cook at Shabdan Baatyr school near Shabdan village, Chon Kemin valley, Kyrgyzstan.

UNICEF Reports: Over 39 Billion Meals Missed Since Schools Shut Down

COVID-19 has students missing more than their classrooms. For millions, it means going hungry.
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One of tens of thousands of children from Ethiopia's Tigray region who have crossed the border into Sudan, fleeing violence, since early November 2020..

Crisis in Ethiopia: UNICEF Pushes to Get Aid to Children in Tigray

UNICEF has been able to get some emergency supplies through, but it's nowhere near the scale of what's urgently needed.
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A UNICEF-supported U-Reporter in Korhogo, Côte d'Ivoire. Côte d'Ivoire is the 35th country to join the U-Report movement for encouraging community engagement and information sharing.

U-Report: Using UNICEF's Social Messaging Platform to Improve Lives

Thirteen million people across 76 countries use UNICEF's messaging tool to speak up about the issues that matter most to them.
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Displaced children and families queue for food at a relief distribution point outside the port city of Beira, where Cyclone Eloise made landfall on Jan. 23.

In Mozambique, 90,000 Kids Need Help in Wake of Cyclone Eloise

UNICEF emergency response teams are on the ground in Sofala province, where an estimated 170,000 people have been severely affected by the tropical superstorm. The worst of the winds are over, but flooding remains a major threat in the days to come.

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On 19 January 2021, a child looks out a tent in Kafr Losin Camp in northwest Syrian Arab Republic. UNICEF is working with partners to provide displaced children in Syria with the supplies and services they need to survive and thrive.

In Syria, A Harsh Winter for Children Displaced by Conflict

Donate Now Ten years since the start of the Syrian civil war, children are still caught in the crossfire , being killed, injured, displaced and deprived of basic daily necessities. In January alone...

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World Childrens Day

With Help From UNICEF, Girls Keep Learning Despite the Pandemic

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Help Migrant Children Fleeing Violence and Poverty

A child is a child. UNICEF works with partners to protect and empower migrant and refugee children every step of the way.
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