UNICEF in action

Displaying 262 - 270 of 2017
A teacher and her students at the Bimbe School in Chongwe district, Lusaka province, Zambia, where UNICEF and partners support an accelerated learning program to help students catch up.

Firsthand Look: How UNICEF Supports Children in Zambia

A UNICEF USA staffer reflects on a recent visit to rural Zambia to see education, health and nutrition programs in action.

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Josveglys, a 13-year-old girl from Venezuela, is benefiting from an ECW-supported UNICEF program in Colombia.

It Takes a Village: Partnerships Ensure Quality Inclusive Education in Colombia

A high-level mission to Colombia shines a spotlight on the power of education for crisis-affected refugee, migrant and host-community children.

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On May 1, 2023, a nutrition assistant screens a child for malnutrition using a Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) tape at the UNICEF-supported Outpatient Therapeutic Program (OTP) in Tarawa town, located in Kassala State, Sudan.

Meeting Urgent Needs in Sudan

The ongoing conflict is pushing already vulnerable children and women deeper into hardship. UNICEF is there.

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In Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, mothers hold their children, ages 0 to 3.

Stand Up for Moms and Children Everywhere This Mother's Day

Helping mothers and children in need makes the world a better place for everyone.

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Kripa, an 18-year-old high school senior, raises awareness about mental health in her community and advocates for better access to mental health resources and services for all children and youth.

Why I Became a Mental Health Advocate

It's time to normalize conversations about mental health and increase access to quality resources and services for children and youth.

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Two sisters who fled flighting in Sudan collect emergency supplies distributed by UNICEF and partners in Kounfroun, Chad.

UNICEF Responds to Mounting Needs of Sudanese Children and Families

As many as 800,000 refugees could flee conflict in Sudan for neighboring countries. UNICEF is there.

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Students attend an online class at Assumpta Girls High School in Adjumani district, Uganda.

Meta and UNICEF: Working Together to Close the Digital Divide

Armed with mobile coverage data and insights from Meta, the Giga initiative is making progress in its quest to connect all schools to the internet.

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On April 19, 2023, people flee their neighborhoods amid fighting between the army and paramilitaries in Khartoum, Sudan.

Children in Sudan at High Risk as Armed Conflict Continues

UNICEF is committed to providing vital support and services to vulnerable children and families both in Sudan and in neighboring countries.

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A brother and sister in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, show their fingers marked with ink indicating they have received the polio vaccine.

Inside Look: Polio Fight to the Finish

A conversation with Rotary International, UNICEF partner and leader in global polio eradication efforts.

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