UNICEF in action

Displaying 406 - 414 of 2017
A girls-only session for Rohingya refugee girls in a UNICEF learning center in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.

Quality and Equality: Education for Rohingya Refugee Girls

How UNICEF is helping make education more inclusive in Rohingya refugee camps in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
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The March 2022 announcement that adolescent girls in Afghanistan would not be permitted to return to school left 15-year-old Fatema, a sixth grader in Kabul, "sad and disappointed, not only for myself," she said.

Afghanistan's Girls Want to Go to School

Afghanistan's girls have been barred from attending grades 7 through 12. Their future hangs in the balance.

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Adolescent boys who are returning migrant workers greet each other at the UNICEF-supported Gazargah Transit Center in Herat, Afghanistan.

How UNICEF Supports Children on the Move From Afghanistan

At Gazargah Transit Center in Herat, returning migrant children receive counseling, vocational training opportunities and other services.

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Born one month early in northeastern Ukraine, baby Sofia sleeps peacefully in a portable incubator at the Sumy Regional Perinatal Center.

Portable Incubators Save Fragile Newborns in Ukraine

UNICEF and partners are working to protect mothers and newborns in war-torn Ukraine.

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Zufan, 10, of Ethiopia, carrying a heavy jug of water back from the community tap, a daily chore that keeps her out of school.

In Ethiopia, Girls Fetch Water Instead of Going to School

Ten-year-old Zufan does not go to school. Instead, she spends her days doing domestic chores, including fetching water far from home.

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Fatima, a teenage wheelchair athlete in Afghanistan, is no longer permitted to play because she is a girl.

Sidelined in Afghanistan, a Wheelchair Athlete Refuses to Give Up

One year ago, girls and women lost the right to play sports in Afghanistan. But girls like Fatima are holding fast to their dreams.
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Petronie, 11, is a fourth-grade student at Lunyenga Primary School in Tshingana, a village in the Kasai-Oriental province of DR Congo.

10 Things Keeping Girls Away From School

Every child wants to learn, and every child has the right to an education. But around the world, 129 million girls are missing out on school.

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The UNICEF-supported Child-Friendly Space in Qalan Bafan, Balkh Province, northern Afghanistan, has been a lifeline for 7-year-old Nabeela, center, and the other children in her community.

A Safe Place for Girls and Boys to Learn and Play in Afghanistan

Equipped with learning materials and staffed by trained teachers, UNICEF-supported Child-Friendly Spaces are a lifeline for kids in Afghanistan.

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Abdul, 8, and Zolgi, 7, play with blocks and balls in a UNICEF-supported Child-Friendly Space in Gayan district, Paktika province, Afghanistan.

UNICEF: Help Needed to Save Lives, Safeguard Futures in Afghanistan

A year since the change in political leadership, life is no better in Afghanistan. UNICEF is there — but needs support to meet urgent needs.
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