UNICEF in action

Displaying 1207 - 1215 of 2017
UNICEF aims to eventually reach 260,000 children with education in 2019 through an extended network of 2,500 learning centers run by 5,000 teachers and Rohingya volunteers.

After Two Years in Limbo, Rohingya Children Crave the Chance To Learn

The youngest victims of Myanmar's ethnic cleansing campaign are missing out on what only education can offer: a chance for a brighter future
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On June 26, 2019, children take part in an emergency attack simulation at the Yalgho Primary School in Dori, Burkina Faso.

UNICEF Is Helping Children Driven Out of School by Violence in Africa

UNICEF and partners are working tirelessly all over the world to save and protect children. PLEASE DONATE A surge in attacks and threats of violence against students, teachers and schools — on...

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UNICEF and partners are working to improve access to safe drinking water in Southern Madagascar, where water shortages are particularly acute.

New Pipeline Delivers Safe Water to Thousands in Southern Madagascar

UNICEF and partners turn on the tap for over 40,000 people in need.
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In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, UNICEF USA President and CEO Caryl M. Stern (far right) travelled to Houston as part of UNICEF USA's efforts to ensure kids affected by the storm could get back to being kids as soon as possible.

Two Years After Hurricane Harvey, Educators Are Using Lessons Learned

Counseling programs created to help Houston's children heal are now reaching kids in Florida still traumatized by Hurricane Michael.
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Our Greatest Investment: Girls' Education

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Little Saba was suffering from fever, diarrhea and acute malnutrition when her mother brought her to a UNICEF-supported Therapeutic Feeding Center in Yemen. Doctors there saved her life.

What Would Happen if UNICEF Disappeared?

Eight ways the world would change without UNICEF.
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Aisha Kolo Lawan is a UNICEF Child Protection Specialist in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.

Celebrating Women Humanitarians on the Front Lines for UNICEF

A salute to the brave and dedicated humanitarian aid workers who are giving their all to make the world a better place.
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Two injured children outside a UNICEF tent at the regional hospital in Mopti, Mali, April 2019.

UNICEF Is Protecting Children Under Attack by Militia Groups in Mali

The deepening humanitarian crisis in Mali, where ethnic militias are waging a deadly struggle for power, has profoundly disrupted the lives of millions of children across the country.

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Children at a UNICEF Booth

UNICEF USA supports multiple back-to-school festivals in Houston

UNICEF UNITE helps students dream and achieve big at community fairs
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