UNICEF in action

Displaying 1279 - 1287 of 2017
A view of flooding on Grand Road an hour after Cyclone Fani hit Puri, India on May 3, 2019.

Tropical Cyclone Fani Hits India and Bangladesh

Fani put 10 million people —including 4 million children — in harm's way. UNICEF is responding to those in need.
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Brothers Anesu (left) and Future near the spot where their house was swept away when Cyclone Idai hit Zimbabwe in March 2019.

Deadly Cyclones Are On the Rise and Climate Change Is To Blame

Cyclone Fani recently put millions at risk in India and Bangladesh. Meanwhile, Mozambique is still recovering from back-to-back cyclones that tore through the region in March and April, causing serious damage to the lives of thousands of children.

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Uncertainty in Venezuela is prompting many to leave for other countries in the region. Here, a group of Venezuelans cross the border in Cucuta, Colombia in April 2019.

"My Friends Were in Class, But I Was Sleeping on Cardboard"

A teenager & her family left Venezuela for Brazil. UNICEF learning spaces are making the transition to a new education system less daunting.
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In June 2018 in Mongolia, three preschool-age children run hand-in-hand outside their mobile 'ger' kindergarten in the Janjin bagh area in Bayankhongor Province.

Want to Change the World? Send a Child to Preschool.

Children enrolled in quality early learning programs do better in school, and go on to become more productive adults.
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Lina, 27 and her daughter Laticia, 20 days. “I had contractions at 7 months and was very nervous, “ says Lina. Widyani referred her to a gynecologist where she was prescribed medication to prevent premature birth and improve fetal health. Lina continued h

Midwives on Motorbikes Go the Distance for Indonesia's Moms

Raising families in remote regions can be tough, especially for mothers who must travel long distances to get their babies the health care that's so critical to the first 1,000 days of life.

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Amilia Mathew, 28, with newborn baby boy Sulaiman outside his home in in Yola, Nigeria.

Amilia Escaped a Deadly Militia Attack — and Became a UNICEF Midwife

In 2014, armed groups invaded Amilia Mathew's hometown of Michika, Nigeria, brutally killing hundreds of civilians. Mathew fled 145 miles away to Yola, the capital of Adamawa state.

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On April 24, 2019 in Cucuta, Colombia, UNICEF Communication for Development specialist Andrea de la Torre talks to children who recently arrived from Venezuela.

As More Venezuelan Families Flee to Colombia, UNICEF Is There To Help

With new groups arriving every day, UNICEF is amping up support for migrants, refugees and their host communities in Colombia.
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On April 3 in Beira, Mozambique, a child receives the vaccine for cholera as part of a UNICEF-supported immunization campaign in the wake of Cyclone Idai.

After Cyclone Idai, an Emergency Cholera Immunization Campaign

UNICEF-supported health workers have vaccinated more than a million people in Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
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On April 28, 2019, Brazilian military firefighters rescue children in the Shibahuri area of Pemba, Mozambique after heavy rains poured down in the wake of Cyclone Kenneth.

Flooding Feared After Cyclone Kenneth Hits Idai-Ravaged Mozambique

UNICEF is supporting the emergency response and assessing the damage inflicted on a nation still struggling to recover from Cyclone Idai.
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