UNICEF in action

Displaying 55 - 60 of 60
 Yer, 11, accesses safe water from a new UNICEF-installed system at the Sirmeret  camp for internally displaced families in the SNNP region of Ethiopia.

UNICEF in Eastern and Southern Africa

How UNICEF is working with partners to meet children's urgent needs in a region suffering from severe drought and other crises.
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Students play during recess at Nziyi Primary School in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

VIDEO: Back to School After a Volcanic Eruption in DRC

UNICEF is rebuilding schools and distributing learning supplies to help children resume their education in South Kivu Province. [VIDEO]

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Students play during recess at Nziyi Primary School in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Back to School After a Volcanic Eruption in DRC

UNICEF is rebuilding schools and distributing learning supplies to help children resume their education in South Kivu Province. [VIDEO]

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A new water treatment plant in Kiziba, DRC means girls like Ester, 12, don't have to miss school to fetch their family's daily water supply.

Safe Water in the DRC Means Girls Never Have to Miss School Again

A new water treatment plant installed by UNICEF and partners is a game changer for girls like 12-year-old Ester. [VIDEO]

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On April 11, 2022, a mother and a baby wait at a health post in Ba’adley, IDP Site, Shabelle Zone, Somali Region, Ethiopia.

Catastrophe Looms as Drought Devastates Horn of Africa

A prolonged, crippling drought across the Horn of Africa is fueling a drastic increase in malnutrition rates for children and families. As the specter

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A child benefiting from UNICEF's support for routine health services in Jordan.

UNICEF in the Middle East and North Africa

A look at pressing needs and UNICEF's response in a region wracked by prolonged conflicts, natural disasters and pandemic impacts.
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