12 Days of UNICEF: Day 5, Maria Canals-Barrera

Maria Canals-Barrera is an actress, wife and mother of two. Maria is helping to support the U.S. Fund for UNICEF by purchasing Inspired Gifts as well as Holiday Cards and Gifts for loved ones this holiday season. The holiday season is a hugely important occasion for me and my family. It’s our time to be together and an opportunity to think about those who may not be as fortunate as we are. That’s why I try to do what I can to remember those in need, particularly children around the world whose lives depend on our generosity for survival.

Maria Canals-Barrera

Maria Canals-Barrera is an actress, wife and mother of two.  Maria is helping to support the U.S. Fund for UNICEF by purchasing Inspired Gifts as well as Holiday Cards and Gifts for loved ones this holiday season. The holiday season is a hugely important occasion for me and my family. It’s our time to be together and an opportunity to think about those who may not be as fortunate as we are. That’s why I try to do what I can to remember those in need, particularly children around the world whose lives depend on our generosity for survival. Nearly 900 million people worldwide lack access to clean water. In fact, waterborne illness is the second highest cause of preventable childhood deaths. It’s an alarming fact, but there is something we all can do to help.

Water Purification Tablets 

 UNICEF offers us a chance to purchase an actual lifesaving item for a child in need. You can purchase one of UNICEF’s Inspired Gifts in honor of a loved one this season and UNICEF will ship it directly to one of more than 150 countries where they work. These gifts include items that help protect children from malnutrition, poor sanitation, lack of safe, drinkable water and much more. Just one water purification tablet, for example, can provide a child with four to five liters of clean drinking water. Imagine how many children’s lives you could touch with the gift of 10,000 water purification tablets. All you have to do is visit inspiredgifts.org, select a UNICEF Inspired Gift and a card to send to the loved you are honoring.   You can learn more about water purification tablets and many other Inspired Gifts at inspiredgifts.org. As we count down the 12 Days of UNICEF, don't forget to join us for Day 6  for another UNICEF Cards and Gifts or an Inspired Gifts selection from a UNICEF celebrity Ambassador or supporter.