Monday photo: Mia Farrow dancing in Entebbe

After several days observing the plight of the thousands of families affected by poverty and displacement, it's a fine feeling to have something to dance about.

This week's Monday photo catches UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Mia Farrow joining the celebration at the African Youth Forum in Entebbe, Uganda. Mia addressed the first ever official gathering of young people in conjunction with the African Union Summit.

Mia Farrow in Uganda.jpg

Thomas Nybo

She told the young delegates about her ties with Africa. As a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, Ms. Farrow has traveled to some of the continent's most impoverished and conflicted regions to raise awareness about the refugee crisis in Chad, violence against girls and women in the DR Congo, lack of health services and education in Guinea, and the humanitarian crisis in Darfur.

Speaking at the end of her visit, which included time with young people who have had years of their childhood hijacked as forced soldiers, Ms. Farrow reminded the gathered youth, who will draft a call of action to send to the African Union leaders gathering shortly, of the need for optimism about the future.