NewsNet: Child-friendly spaces for Myanmar's kids

It's been nearly three months since monster storm Cyclone Nargis buffeted Myanmar, but the Southeast Asian nation is still reeling from the blow.

The cyclone affected 2.4 million people, damaging or demolishing hundreds of thousands of homes and thousands of schools. A recent report (PDF, 665K) released by the UN and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) detailed the cyclone's colossal devastation"including the destruction of 75 percent of health facilities in affected areas, and the flooding of 600,000 hectares of farmland"and the continuing hardships facing survivors.

Last week, UNICEF warned that 700,000 children in Myanmar are still in need of assistance.

It's been nearly three months since monster storm Cyclone Nargis buffeted Myanmar, but the Southeast Asian nation is still reeling from the blow.

The cyclone affected 2.4 million people, damaging or demolishing hundreds of thousands of homes and thousands of schools. A recent report (PDF, 665K) released by the UN and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) detailed the cyclone's colossal devastation"including the destruction of 75 percent of health facilities in affected areas, and the flooding of 600,000 hectares of farmland"and the continuing hardships facing survivors.


Last week, UNICEF warned that 700,000 children in Myanmar are still in need of assistance.

It's been nearly three months since monster storm Cyclone Nargis buffeted Myanmar, but the Southeast Asian nation is still reeling from the blow.

The cyclone affected some 2.4 million people, damaging or demolishing hundreds of thousands of homes and thousands of schools. A recent report (PDF, 665K) released by the UN and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) detailed the cyclone's colossal devastation"including the destruction of 75 percent of health facilities in affected areas, and the flooding of 600,000 hectares of farmland"and the continuing hardships facing survivors.


Last week, UNICEF warned that 700,000 children in Myanmar are still in need of assistance.

This announcement drew scant media attention, and overall news coverage of the ongoing humanitarian needs in Myanmar has been sporadic. Read these articles from Reuters and the Associated Press.

Though the situation Myanmar has slowly improved and major outbreaks of disease have been averted, many children and families still need a lot of help. We need to sustain our efforts so children and their families can make a complete recovery from the devastation of Cyclone Nargis,