Nelson Mandela

Remembering Nelson Mandela (July 1918 – December 2013)

Nelson Mandela believed education is "the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." As we learn the sad news of his death, we remember Mandela's legacy and profound contribution to education in Africa.

"Today we have all lost a hero, a powerful champion for children," said Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director. "He started his own children’s fund and fought passionately, with his wife, Graça Machel, and the Global Movement for Children and UNICEF, to put children at the heart of the global development agenda."

In 2004, the Nelson Mandela Foundation co-founded the Schools for Africa initiative with UNICEF and the Hamburg Society (now the Peter Kramer Foundation). "Madiba touched the lives of millions of children. They are a central part of his legacy," said Lake. "Our deepest condolences go to his wife Graça Machel, his family and his nation."

Learn more about Schools for Africa, part of Nelson Mandela's powerful vision for changing the world.