Supplies for children of Misrata

The humanitarian cargo ship docked at Misrata yesterday, carrying food, medical supplies, doctors and other relief items. In doing so it opens up a new humanitarian lifeline to civilians trapped in the Libyan conflict.

The humanitarian cargo ship docked at Misrata yesterday, carrying food, medical supplies, doctors and other relief items. In doing so it opens up a new humanitarian lifeline to civilians trapped in the Libyan conflict.

The humanitarian cargo ship docked at Misrata yesterday, carrying food, medical supplies, doctors and other relief items. In doing so it opens up a new humanitarian lifeline to civilians trapped in the Libyan conflict.

The ship delivered UNICEF supplies which included emergency health kits and surgical material that will cover urgent needs. UNICEF also sent in obstetric surgical kits, midwifery kits and hygiene kits.

In addition UNICEF sent from the ship play kits for children, so as to enable them to stay in the relative safety of indoors. There have been consistent reports of sniper fire hitting children in Misrata. Children's long enforced confinement indoors - and hence out of school - necessitates psychological relief from the conflict.

UNICEF is also responding to needs in Eastern Libya through the delivery of health kits and hygiene kits for the benefit of tens of thousands of affected and displaced people, through partnerships with NGOs present in Benghazi.

UNICEF is very concerned about the number of landmines that pose a great threat to children and their families in Libya. There have been reliable reports that Eastern Libya is "littered with massive amounts of unexploded ordnance, abandoned and unsecured weapons and munitions, and recently-laid landmines."

UNICEF will collaborate with Handicap International in the implementation of an emergency Mine Risk Education project in Libya. UNICEF and HI will provide important information and safety messages to at-risk populations through mass media, outreach and printed materials.

Donate to UNICEF's relief fund for children affected by the crisis in Libya.