Therapeutic food innovations

Soaring food costs are pushing a lot of families around the world into poverty. In some parts of the world, food prices have doubled. A UNICEF colleague recently reported that many families are coping with the price hikes by having only one meal a day. For young children, this is especially dangerous. Not getting enough food or the proper nutrition can stunt a child's growth, weaken his immune system and, in extreme cases, lead to death. Actually, malnutrition plays a significant role in half of the 9.7 million child deaths each year. That's why the present food crisis is such a critical threat to children around the world.

Soaring food costs are pushing a lot of families around the world into poverty. In some parts of the world, food prices have doubled. A UNICEF colleague recently reported that many families are coping with the price hikes by having only one meal a day. For young children, this is especially dangerous. Not getting enough food or the proper nutrition can stunt a child's growth, weaken his immune system and, in extreme cases, lead to death. Actually, malnutrition plays a significant role in half of the 9.7 million child deaths each year. That's why the present food crisis is such a critical threat to children around the world. There's been a lot written about the global food crisis on this blog. And it definitely warrants more attention. Soaring food costs are pushing a lot of families around the world into poverty. In some parts of the world, food prices have doubled. A UNICEF colleague recently reported that many families are coping with the price hikes by having only one meal a day. For young children, this is especially dangerous. Not getting enough food or the proper nutrition can stunt a child's growth, weaken her immune system and, in extreme cases, lead to death. Actually, malnutrition plays a significant role in half of the 9.7 million child deaths each year, which is why the food crisis is such a critical threat to children around the world.

While world leaders work to find a solution, UNICEF is responding with a life-saving basket of therapeutic foods that prevent malnutrition and help affected children recover quickly. High-protein biscuits, therapeutic milk and Plumpy'nut have been described as magic