Thursday video: Ban Ki Moon wants you, young ambassadors!

This month kicks off the International Year of Youth, and the United Nations is definitely looking to hide some worry-lines in celebration. Take the renovation of the iconic UN Headquarters on the East River--the first in 60 years! Now that's a long-overdue facelift.
This month kicks off the International Year of Youth, and the United Nations is definitely looking to hide some worry-lines in celebration. Take the renovation of the iconic UN Headquarters on the East River--the first in 60 years! Now that's a long-overdue facelift.-->

Elizabeth Kiem is the online producer of

This month kicks off the International Year of Youth, and the United Nations is definitely looking to hide some worry-lines in celebration. Take the renovation of the iconic UN Headquarters on the East River--the first in 60 years! Now that's a long-overdue facelift.

And now watch this! Who is this young, unplugged telegenic spokesperson cruising the half-century-old studios of old-school UN? None other than Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, that's who!


Youth! Be International this Year! Monday is the deadline to post your response to the SG's invitation. Use your voice ... use your youth. This is your chance to roam the newly renovated halls of the UN as a Citizen Ambassador to the Millennium Development Goals Summit.

OK to be honest, I'm not sure that the newly renovated halls will be open in time for the September summit. But as the SG said, the goal is to make the WORLD a safer and better place ... not just the UN headquarters.

So get busy! You have the weekend to tell world leaders why the Millennium Development Goals matter to you. Do it well and you can tell them in person come September.