Thursday video: "Dear Dad"

From a pool of over 300 contestants, 3 young filmmakers were awarded prizes this week from UNICEF and the One Minutes Juniors foundation.
From a pool of over 300 contestants, 3 young filmmakers were awarded prizes this week from UNICEF and the One Minutes Juniors foundation.-->

Elizabeth Kiem is the online producer of

If you don't already know about the OneMinutesJr. project, this week's Thursday video is designed to introduce you. Launched in 2002, this international, arts-based initiative gives young people aged 12 to 20 - especially those from underprivileged or marginalized communities - an opportunity to share their ideas, dreams, anxieties and viewpoints with the world.

And also a chance to WIN!

From a pool of over 300 contestants, 3 young filmmakers were awarded prizes last week from UNICEF and the One Minutes Foundation.


This one, by 17-year-old Carlon Knight from Antigua, took the prize in best (self) portrait.

The other winners came from Barbados and Tajikistan.

You can learn more about the One Minutes Jr. and see all the winning entrants at