Thursday video: UNICEF 2010

It was a hard year, 2010. But UNICEF responded, and UNICEF defined what "responding" means
It was a hard year, 2010. But UNICEF responded, and UNICEF defined what "responding" means Elizabeth Kiem is the online producer of

Haiti in January, western China in April, Pakistan in July.

The last time the world suffered as many fatalities from natural disasters was more than a 1/4 century ago.

And on top of floods and earthquakes came displacement, disease and ethnic discord.

It was a hard year, 2010. But UNICEF responded, and UNICEF defined what "responding" means.


"It is precisely those most vulnerable, those hardest to reach children, on whom we must focus."

"Over 300K women are dying every year, from complications of giving birth. This is an avoidable travesty."

"Humanity has achieved a moral consensus - to keep the battlefields separate from the playgrounds." "Education is nothing less than a lifesaver."

These were our declarations in 2010. And they are our commitments for 2011.

Before you let 2010 pass, take a look at the challenges we faced and let us know if you are with us.