UNICEF’s Year in Review

As 2013 begins, it’s a good time to look back on the year gone by. For UNICEF, 2012 was filled with immense challenges—all of which we met head-on. But this year was also one in which great strides were made for child survival. Watch the Year in Review video to see some of the highlights of UNICEF’s work in 2012.
As 2013 begins, it’s a good time to look back on the year gone by. For UNICEF, 2012 was filled with immense challenges—all of which we met head-on. They included the ongoing conflict in Syria, the drought in the Sahel, the floods in Pakistan, refugees in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the instability in South Sudan. But this year was also one in which great strides were made for child survival. There has been a 40% drop since 1990 in the number of children under five who are dying each year. The world made a commitment to have its first AIDS-free generation in 2015, and to eradicate polio. And the Promise Renewed pledge launched a worldwide movement to end preventable child deaths. Finally, the day when ZERO children die of preventable causes is within our reach. As one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations, UNICEF will continue to fight for every child to survive and thrive, this year and in all the years to come. Watch the video below to see some of the highlights of UNICEF’s work in 2012.