UNICEF in action

Displaying 1855 - 1863 of 2036
People Huddled Around Fire

Report from Aleppo: Displaced Children & Families Huddle in Jibreen

UPDATE: 40,000 people have been displaced within and from the area. Half of them are children.
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Zarah Mohammed, 5, is starting school for the first time. She and her family fled their village in Borno state, Nigeria.

Challenges, Struggle and Hope: UNICEF's Year in Photos 2016

"Children should be the first to benefit from mankind's successes and the last ones to suffer from its failures ... for it is on how we bring up our children that our civilization is measured, our...

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Commemorating UN Day 2016

DC Sorority Members Illuminate the Realities of Human Trafficking

Joint sorority chapters host a screening of “Not My Life” and invite a panel of human trafficking experts
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UNICEF Syria's Mirna Yacoub rode with the inter-agency convoy delivering desperately needed humanitarian aid to Madaya, a town that's been under attack since April.

Your Stories: Why So Many Are Giving to Support UNICEF Now

This giving season, there has been an unprecedented outpouring of support for UNICEF. So many have donated, volunteered, advocated — and sought to learn from our stories about the struggles children...

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Cloe and Margaret

When Girls Go to School in Malawi, Mothers' Dreams Come True

In Malawi, UNICEF USA's Chloe Kay saw how Kids In Need of Desks (K.I.N.D.) scholarships change girls' lives.
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Former child soldier, and author Ishmael Beah visiting the school he studied in as a child July 1, 2016 in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Ishmael Beah Gives Hope to Children Trapped in Conflict

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UNICEF PHOTO: A newly displaced woman carries a child at a check point in Qayyara, south of Mosul, IRAQ.

UNICEF Responds to Mosul Crisis: Four Things You Need to Know

A convoy carrying UNICEF aid reaches the city in the largest distribution to date.
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Moheb, 11, lives in Aleppo, Syria where half his friends have left or died in the war. Chores, school and work, leave little time for studying but with dreams of a law degree and helping his country regain peace, he presses on

VIDEO: Children in Aleppo — Watch Moheb's Story

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