UNICEF in action

Displaying 1261 - 1269 of 2017
Caseworker Simon Char is checking up on 11-year-old Diech Gwang in the Protecion of the Civilian (PoC) site in Malakal, South Sudan. He has been separated from his family for four years and Simon is trying to find out if his parents are alive.

Reuniting Families Split by War Is All in a Day's Work for Simon Char

Thousands of children have gone missing since civil war broke out in South Sudan five years ago. Separated from their families in the chaos of war, these children are desperate to be reunited with their parents.

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On May 5, 2019 in Atmeh, close to the Turkish border with Syria, trucks carrying families fleeing escalating violence in Idlib.

Giving Monthly Sustains UNICEF's Work in Syria's Ongoing Crisis

Steadfast support from monthly donors enables UNICEF to be there for children in need, whether they're on the front page or not.
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Rohingya refugee boys play on a muddy ridge in BaluKhali refugee camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh in September 2018.

UNICEF Delivers Lifesaving Assistance to Rohingya Refugees

UNICEF is working to protect and support ethnic Muslim Rohingya families crowded into refugee camps in Bangladesh.
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International Day Against Homophobia

So That No Child Suffers Because of Who They Are or Who They Love

On International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia, a renewed commitment to equal rights and protections for all children.
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On May 5, 2019, families fleeing escalating violence in Idlib, Syria take shelter in an olive grove near the Turkish border.

UNICEF Is Helping Syrians Survive Amidst Violence

Millions of Syrians spent another Ramadan praying for the day they can go home again. UNICEF is on the ground helping.
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A boy receives a measles and rubella vaccine during a UNICEF-backed mobile vaccination campaign in Aden, Yemen in February 2019.

UNICEF Is On the Ground in Yemen, Helping Children Survive

Millions in Yemen spent yet another Ramadan praying for peace and struggling for survival. UNICEF is on the ground helping.
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Group of Kids Smile at the Camera

Why Children Are Fleeing Honduras, and What UNICEF Is Doing About It

In Honduras, seven out of ten children live in a home classified by UNICEF as below the poverty line. Forty-three percent of children do not live with their parents, because their parents have departed for other nations in search of work.

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UNICEF-trained Mother Leaders sing an educational song during a celebration in Tanandava, Madagascar in 2019.

In Madagascar, UNICEF Mother Leaders Are Raising Up Their Community

In Tanandava, a small community in Madagascar's Anosy region, the ravages of climate change and drought are felt particularly hard. Food insecurity is a constant for many. Opportunities for children are often few and far between.

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In Cambodia's Kompong Cham province, Ven Thuy, 38, and her child have safe, clean water to drink, thanks to the Kampong Chamlong Water Supply utility's partnership with UNICEF.

Dehydration in Kids: Early Warning Signs and Treatment

UNICEF staff are experts in preventing and treating symptoms of dehydration in children. Learn how to spot the signs and protect your loved ones.
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